My narrative

Once upon a time a hunter was in the woods in the NETHERLAND. and he saw a glimpse of something purple so    the police captain her name was north so the cops were so confused so they ask why did u do e went over there and saw a  purple bar whanau. So he took a photo and ran. home and when he looked back and the bear was running  after him because of a flash on the camera.The man ran to his car and showed the photo to the police station. The police did not believe him so he took the cops to the place and then they saw the bear so the cops blocked of the neverland so they could kill the bar family so they can take some fur and give it to a scientific named busy man and then they can do some research and put the bones in a museum like the best one ever but the next day the museum was broken into there were cop and detectives all over the city and a week later they found the criminal it was a girl and she was the man’s sister north and they were so confused he said why would you do this and north said.I will be rich and the police took her to jail for 100,000 years. And nobody knows where the man is . We think he went to mars.

3 thoughts on “My narrative

  1. Your narrative looks good.
    It´s so creative!
    Why did you write about this topic?

  2. Oooh Mars! You might have to do a follow up story of him on Mars – think about all the things you could include!